Reordering chromosomes#


# Important! --bin-size should be the same resolution as
user@dev:/tmp hictk load --format=bg2 \
                         --bin-size=1000 \
                         <(hictk dump --table=chroms |
                           sort -k2,2nr) \
                         < <(hictk dump --join

Why is this needed?#

Sometimes we want to compare files using the same reference genome assembly, but with different chromosome orders (e.g. in one file chromosomes are sorted by size while in the other they are sorted by name). This can be a problem especially when trying to visually compare such files. This tutorial shows how to convert a .cool file with chromosomes sorted by name to a .cool file with chromosomes sorted by size. The same procedure can be applied to .hic files.


For this tutorial, we will use file 4DNFIZ1ZVXC8.mcool as an example, which can be downloaded from here.

First, we extract the list of chromosomes from the input file:

user@dev:/tmp hictk dump 4DNFIZ1ZVXC8.mcool --table=chroms | tee chrom.sizes

chr2L       23513712
chr2R       25286936
chr3L       28110227
chr3R       32079331
chr4        1348131
chrX        23542271
chrY        3667352

Second, we re-order chromosomes:

user@dev:/tmp sort -k2,2nr chrom.sizes | tee chrom.sizes.sorted

chr3R       32079331
chr3L       28110227
chr2R       25286936
chrX        23542271
chr2L       23513712
chrY        3667352
chr4        1348131

Next, we dump pixels in bedGraph2 format (see below for how to make this step more efficient):

user@dev:/tmp hictk dump 4DNFIZ1ZVXC8.mcool --join --resolution=1000 > pixels.bg2

user@dev:/tmp head pixels.bg2

chr2L       5000    6000    chr2L   5000    6000    127
chr2L       5000    6000    chr2L   6000    7000    129
chr2L       5000    6000    chr2L   7000    8000    60
chr2L       5000    6000    chr2L   8000    9000    77
chr2L       5000    6000    chr2L   9000    10000   97
chr2L       5000    6000    chr2L   10000   11000   3
chr2L       5000    6000    chr2L   11000   12000   1
chr2L       5000    6000    chr2L   12000   13000   66
chr2L       5000    6000    chr2L   13000   14000   116
chr2L       5000    6000    chr2L   14000   15000   64

Finally, we load pixels into a new .cool file

user@dev:/tmp hictk load --format=bg2 \
                         --bin-size=1000 \
                         chrom.sizes.sorted \
                < pixels.bg2

[2024-03-21 12:27:16.998] [info]: Running hictk v0.0.10-1c2bafd
[2024-03-21 12:27:16.998] [info]: begin loading unsorted pixels into a .cool file...
[2024-03-21 12:27:17.077] [info]: writing chunk #1 to intermediate file "/tmp/"...
[2024-03-21 12:27:20.945] [info]: done writing chunk #1 to tmp file "/tmp/".
[2024-03-21 12:27:20.945] [info]: writing chunk #2 to intermediate file "/tmp/"...
[2024-03-21 12:27:24.890] [info]: done writing chunk #2 to tmp file "/tmp/".
[2024-03-21 12:27:24.890] [info]: writing chunk #3 to intermediate file "/tmp/"...
[2024-03-21 12:27:28.823] [info]: done writing chunk #3 to tmp file "/tmp/".
[2024-03-21 12:27:28.823] [info]: writing chunk #4 to intermediate file "/tmp/"...
[2024-03-21 12:27:32.668] [info]: done writing chunk #4 to tmp file "/tmp/".
[2024-03-21 12:27:32.668] [info]: writing chunk #5 to intermediate file "/tmp/"...
[2024-03-21 12:27:36.070] [info]: done writing chunk #5 to tmp file "/tmp/".
[2024-03-21 12:27:36.070] [info]: writing chunk #6 to intermediate file "/tmp/"...
[2024-03-21 12:27:36.079] [info]: done writing chunk #6 to tmp file "/tmp/".
[2024-03-21 12:27:36.080] [info]: merging 6 chunks into ""...
[2024-03-21 12:27:38.572] [info]: processing chr3R:20786000-20787000 chr3R:20808000-20809000 at 4091653 pixels/s...
[2024-03-21 12:27:41.443] [info]: processing chr3L:7391000-7392000 chr3L:7417000-7418000 at 3484321 pixels/s...
[2024-03-21 12:27:44.292] [info]: processing chr2R:9278000-9279000 chrX:5993000-5994000 at 3510004 pixels/s...
[2024-03-21 12:27:47.062] [info]: processing chrX:14217000-14218000 chrX:17476000-17477000 at 3611412 pixels/s...
[2024-03-21 12:27:49.901] [info]: ingested 119208613 interactions (48469783 nnz) in 32.902465965s!

Lastly, we check that chromosomes are properly sorted:

user@dev:/tmp hictk dump 4DNFIZ1ZVXC8.mcool --table=chroms

chr3R       32079331
chr3L       28110227
chr2R       25286936
chrX        23542271
chr2L       23513712
chrY        3667352
chr4        1348131

Tips and tricks#

There is one potential problem with the above solution, and that is the size of file pixels.bg2 Luckily, we can completely avoid generating this file by using output redirection and process substitutions:

user@dev:/tmp hictk load --format=bg2 \
                         --bin-size=1000 \
                         chrom.sizes.sorted \
                         < <(hictk dump 4DNFIZ1ZVXC8.mcool --join --resolution=1000)

Note that hictk still needs to generate some temporary file to load interactions into a new .cool or .hic file. When processing large files, it is a good idea to specify custom folder where to create temporary files through the --tmpdir flag:

user@dev:/tmp hictk load --format=bg2 \
                         --bin-size=1000 \
                         --tmpdir=/var/tmp/ \
                         chrom.sizes.sorted \
                         < <(hictk dump 4DNFIZ1ZVXC8.mcool --join --resolution=1000)

Another option you may want to consider when working with .hic files, is the --threads option, which can significantly reduce the time required to load interactions into .hic files.