Creating .cool and .hic files#

hictk supports creating .cool and .hic files from text files in the following formats:

File requirements:

# Create a 10kbp .cool file using dm6 as reference
user@dev:/tmp$ zcat 4DNFIKNWM36K.pairs.gz | hictk load --format 4dn --assembly dm6 --bin-size 10000 dm6.chrom.sizes

[2024-01-23 15:15:00.520] [info]: Running hictk v0.0.6-45c36af-dirty
[2024-01-23 15:15:00.531] [info]: writing chunk #1 to intermediate file "/tmp/"...
[2024-01-23 15:15:23.762] [info]: done writing chunk #1 to tmp file "/tmp/".
[2024-01-23 15:15:23.762] [info]: writing chunk #2 to intermediate file "/tmp/"...
[2024-01-23 15:15:49.042] [info]: done writing chunk #2 to tmp file "/tmp/".
[2024-01-23 15:15:49.042] [info]: writing chunk #3 to intermediate file "/tmp/"...
[2024-01-23 15:15:49.834] [info]: done writing chunk #3 to tmp file "/tmp/".
[2024-01-23 15:15:49.836] [info]: merging 3 chunks into ""...
[2024-01-23 15:15:55.118] [info]: processing chr3L:15100000-15110000 chr3L:16230000-16240000 at 4789272 pixels/s...
[2024-01-23 15:15:59.718] [info]: ingested 119208613 interactions (18122865 nnz) in 59.197723453s!

# Create a 10kbp .hic file using dm6 as reference
user@dev:/tmp$ zcat 4DNFIKNWM36K.pairs.gz | hictk load --format 4dn --assembly dm6 --bin-size 10000 dm6.chrom.sizes 4DNFIKNWM36K.10000.hic

[2024-01-23 15:45:19.969] [info]: Running hictk v0.0.6-570037c-dirty
[2024-01-23 15:45:42.439] [info]: preprocessing chunk #1 at 452919 pixels/s...
[2024-01-23 15:46:09.182] [info]: preprocessing chunk #2 at 303750 pixels/s...
[2024-01-23 15:46:11.184] [info]: writing header at offset 0
[2024-01-23 15:46:11.184] [info]: begin writing interaction blocks to file "4DNFIKNWM36K.10000.hic"...
[2024-01-23 15:46:11.184] [info]: [10000 bp] writing pixels for chr3R:chr3R matrix at offset 50632...
[2024-01-23 15:46:13.295] [info]: [10000 bp] written 2264963 pixels for chr3R:chr3R matrix
[2024-01-23 15:46:13.295] [info]: [10000 bp] writing pixels for chr3R:chr3L matrix at offset 4235718...
[2024-01-23 15:46:14.611] [info]: [10000 bp] written 1610264 pixels for chr3R:chr3L matrix
[2024-01-23 15:46:44.065] [info]: [10000 bp] initializing expected value vector
[2024-01-23 15:46:50.531] [info]: [10000 bp] computing expected vector density
[2024-01-23 15:46:51.157] [info]: writing 1 expected value vectors at offset 32065110...
[2024-01-23 15:46:51.158] [info]: writing 0 normalized expected value vectors at offset 32078017...
[2024-01-23 15:46:51.194] [info]: ingested 119208613 interactions (18122865 nnz) in 91.225341628s!


  • When creating large .hic files, hictk needs to create potentially large temporary files. When this is the case, use option --tmpdir to set the temporary folder to a path with sufficient space.

Merging multiple files#

Multiple .cool and .hic files using the same reference genome and resolution can be merged using hictk merge:

# Merge multiple cooler files

user@dev:/tmp$ hictk merge data/4DNFIZ1ZVXC8.mcool::/resolutions/1000 data/4DNFIZ1ZVXC8.mcool::/resolutions/1000 -o

[2023-09-29 19:24:49.479] [info]: Running hictk v0.0.2
[2023-09-29 19:24:49.479] [info]: begin merging 2 coolers...
[2023-09-29 19:24:52.032] [info]: processing chr2R:11267000-11268000 chr4:1052000-1053000 at 3976143 pixels/s...
[2023-09-29 19:24:55.157] [info]: processing chr3R:5812000-5813000 chr3R:23422000-23423000 at 3201024 pixels/s...
[2023-09-29 19:24:57.992] [info]: DONE! Merging 2 coolers took 8.51s!
[2023-09-29 19:24:57.992] [info]: size: 36.23 MB

# Merge multiple .hic files

user@dev:/tmp$ hictk merge data/4DNFIZ1ZVXC8.hic9 data/4DNFIZ1ZVXC8.hic9 -o 4DNFIZ1ZVXC8.10000.merged.hic --resolution 10000

[2024-01-23 15:49:23.248] [info]: Running hictk v0.0.6-570037c-dirty
[2024-01-23 15:49:23.248] [info]: begin merging 2 .hic files...
[2024-01-23 15:49:31.101] [info]: ingesting pixels at 1352814 pixels/s...
[2024-01-23 15:49:37.777] [info]: writing header at offset 0
[2024-01-23 15:49:37.777] [info]: begin writing interaction blocks to file "4DNFIZ1ZVXC8.10000.merged.hic"...
[2024-01-23 15:49:37.777] [info]: [10000 bp] writing pixels for chr2L:chr2L matrix at offset 212...
[2024-01-23 15:49:39.060] [info]: [10000 bp] written 1433133 pixels for chr2L:chr2L matrix
[2024-01-23 15:49:39.060] [info]: [10000 bp] writing pixels for chr2L:chr2R matrix at offset 2619165...
[2024-01-23 15:49:58.624] [info]: [10000 bp] initializing expected value vector
[2024-01-23 15:50:05.276] [info]: [10000 bp] computing expected vector density
[2024-01-23 15:50:05.276] [info]: writing 1 expected value vectors at offset 31936601...
[2024-01-23 15:50:05.276] [info]: writing 0 normalized expected value vectors at offset 31949508...
[2024-01-23 15:50:05.299] [info]: DONE! Merging 2 files took 42.05s!
[2024-01-23 15:50:05.299] [info]: 4DNFIZ1ZVXC8.10000.merged.hic size: 31.95 MB


  • When merging many, large .hic files, hictk needs to create potentially large temporary files. When this is the case, use option --tmpdir to set the temporary folder to a path with sufficient space.