Cooler API#

API to operate on .cool files. Compared to the generic API, this API provides:

  • more control over how files are opened

  • direct access to HDF5 group and datasets

  • lower overhead

  • support for creating .cool files

  • support for opening collections of Coolers (e.g. .mcool and .scool files)

Single-resolution Cooler (.cool)#

class File#


File(const File &other) = delete;#
File(File &&other) noexcept = default;#
[[nodiscard]] explicit File(std::string_view uri, std::size_t cache_size_bytes = DEFAULT_HDF5_CACHE_SIZE * 4, bool validate = true);#
[[nodiscard]] explicit File(RootGroup entrypoint, std::size_t cache_size_bytes = DEFAULT_HDF5_CACHE_SIZE * 4, bool validate = true);#

Factory functions

[[nodiscard]] static File open_random_access(RootGroup entrypoint, std::size_t cache_size_bytes = DEFAULT_HDF5_CACHE_SIZE * 4, bool validate = true);#
[[nodiscard]] static File open_read_once(RootGroup entrypoint, std::size_t cache_size_bytes = DEFAULT_HDF5_CACHE_SIZE * 4, bool validate = true);#
template<typename PixelT = DefaultPixelT>
[[nodiscard]] static File create(RootGroup entrypoint, const Reference &chroms, std::uint32_t bin_size, Attributes attributes = Attributes::init<PixelT>(0), std::size_t cache_size_bytes = DEFAULT_HDF5_CACHE_SIZE * 4, std::uint32_t compression_lvl = DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL);#
template<typename PixelT = DefaultPixelT>
[[nodiscard]] static File create(std::string_view uri, const Reference &chroms, std::uint32_t bin_size, bool overwrite_if_exists = false, Attributes attributes = Attributes::init<PixelT>(0), std::size_t cache_size_bytes = DEFAULT_HDF5_CACHE_SIZE * 4, std::uint32_t compression_lvl = DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL);#

Open/close methods

[[nodiscard]] static File open_random_access(std::string_view uri, std::size_t cache_size_bytes = DEFAULT_HDF5_CACHE_SIZE * 4, bool validate = true);#
[[nodiscard]] static File open_read_once(std::string_view uri, std::size_t cache_size_bytes = DEFAULT_HDF5_CACHE_SIZE * 4, bool validate = true);#
void close();#

Note that Files are automatically closed upon destruction.


File &operator=(const File &other) = delete;#
File &operator=(File &&other) noexcept = default;#
[[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const noexcept;#

Return whether the File is in a valid state and other member functions can be safely called.


[[nodiscard]] std::string uri() const;#
[[nodiscard]] std::string hdf5_path() const;#
[[nodiscard]] std::string path() const;#
[[nodiscard]] auto chromosomes() const noexcept -> const Reference&;#
[[nodiscard]] auto bins() const noexcept -> const BinTable&;#
[[nodiscard]] auto bins_ptr() const noexcept -> std::shared_ptr<const BinTable>;#
[[nodiscard]] std::uint32_t resolution() const noexcept;#
[[nodiscard]] std::uint64_t nbins() const;#
[[nodiscard]] std::uint64_t nchroms() const;#
[[nodiscard]] std::uint64_t nnz() const;#
[[nodiscard]] auto attributes() const noexcept -> const Attributes&;#
[[nodiscard]] auto group(std::string_view group_name) -> Group&;#
[[nodiscard]] auto dataset(std::string_view dataset_name) -> Dataset&;#
[[nodiscard]] auto group(std::string_view group_name) const -> const Group&;#
[[nodiscard]] auto dataset(std::string_view dataset_name) const -> const Dataset&;#
[[nodiscard]] const NumericVariant &pixel_variant() const noexcept;#
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] bool has_pixel_of_type() const noexcept;#
[[nodiscard]] bool has_signed_pixels() const noexcept;#
[[nodiscard]] bool has_unsigned_pixels() const noexcept;#
[[nodiscard]] bool has_integral_pixels() const noexcept;#
[[nodiscard]] bool has_float_pixels() const noexcept;#


template<typename N>
[[nodiscard]] typename PixelSelector::iterator<N> begin(std::string_view weight_name = "NONE") const;#
template<typename N>
[[nodiscard]] typename PixelSelector::iterator<N> end(std::string_view weight_name = "NONE") const;#
template<typename N>
[[nodiscard]] typename PixelSelector::iterator<N> cbegin(std::string_view weight_name = "NONE") const;#
template<typename N>
[[nodiscard]] typename PixelSelector::iterator<N> cend(std::string_view weight_name = "NONE") const;#

Fetch methods (1D queries)

[[nodiscard]] PixelSelector fetch(const balancing::Method &normalization = balancing::Method::NONE()) const;#
[[nodiscard]] PixelSelector fetch(std::shared_ptr<const balancing::Weights> weights) const;#
[[nodiscard]] PixelSelector fetch(std::string_view range, std::shared_ptr<const balancing::Weights> weights, QUERY_TYPE query_type = QUERY_TYPE::UCSC) const;#
[[nodiscard]] PixelSelector fetch(std::string_view chrom_name, std::uint32_t start, std::uint32_t end, std::shared_ptr<const balancing::Weights> weights) const;#
[[nodiscard]] PixelSelector fetch(std::string_view range, const balancing::Method &normalization = balancing::Method::NONE(), QUERY_TYPE query_type = QUERY_TYPE::UCSC) const;#
[[nodiscard]] PixelSelector fetch(std::string_view chrom_name, std::uint32_t start, std::uint32_t end, const balancing::Method &normalization = balancing::Method::NONE()) const;#
[[nodiscard]] PixelSelector fetch(std::uint64_t first_bin, std::uint64_t last_bin, std::shared_ptr<const balancing::Weights> weights = nullptr) const;#

Fetch methods (2D queries)

[[nodiscard]] PixelSelector fetch(std::string_view range1, std::string_view range2, std::shared_ptr<const balancing::Weights> weights, QUERY_TYPE query_type = QUERY_TYPE::UCSC) const;#
[[nodiscard]] PixelSelector fetch(std::string_view chrom1_name, std::uint32_t start1, std::uint32_t end1, std::string_view chrom2_name, std::uint32_t start2, std::uint32_t end2, std::shared_ptr<const balancing::Weights> weights) const;#
[[nodiscard]] PixelSelector fetch(std::string_view range1, std::string_view range2, const balancing::Method &normalization = balancing::Method::NONE(), QUERY_TYPE query_type = QUERY_TYPE::UCSC) const;#
[[nodiscard]] PixelSelector fetch(std::string_view chrom1_name, std::uint32_t start1, std::uint32_t end1, std::string_view chrom2_name, std::uint32_t start2, std::uint32_t end2, const balancing::Method &normalization = balancing::Method::NONE()) const;#
[[nodiscard]] PixelSelector fetch(std::uint64_t first_bin1, std::uint64_t last_bin1, std::uint64_t first_bin2, std::uint64_t last_bin2, std::shared_ptr<const balancing::Weights> weights = nullptr) const;#

Write pixels

template<typename PixelIt, typename = std::enable_if_t<is_iterable_v<PixelIt>>>
void append_pixels(PixelIt first_pixel, PixelIt last_pixel, bool validate = false);#


[[nodiscard]] bool has_normalization(std::string_view normalization) const;#
std::shared_ptr<const balancing::Weights> read_normalization(std::string_view normalization, bool rescale = false) const;#
std::shared_ptr<const balancing::Weights> normalization(std::string_view normalization, balancing::Weights::Type type, bool rescale = false) const;#
[[nodiscard]] bool has_normalization(const balancing::Method &normalization) const;#
std::shared_ptr<const balancing::Weights> normalization(const balancing::Method &normalization, bool rescale = false) const;#
std::shared_ptr<const balancing::Weights> normalization(const balancing::Method &normalization, balancing::Weights::Type type, bool rescale = false) const;#
[[nodiscard]] std::vector<balancing::Method> avail_normalizations() const;#
bool purge_weights(std::string_view name = "");#
template<typename It>
static void write_weights(std::string_view uri, std::string_view name, It first_weight, It last_weight, bool overwrite_if_exists = false, bool divisive = false);#
template<typename It>
void write_weights(std::string_view name, It first_weight, It last_weight, bool overwrite_if_exists = false, bool divisive = false);#


void flush();#
void validate_bins(bool full = false) const;#

Multi-resolution Cooler (.mcool)#

class MultiResFile#


explicit MultiResFile(const std::filesystem::path &path, unsigned int mode = HighFive::File::ReadOnly);#

Factory functions

[[nodiscard]] static MultiResFile create(const std::filesystem::path &path, const Reference &chroms, bool force_overwrite = false);#
template<typename ResolutionIt>
[[nodiscard]] static MultiResFile create(const std::filesystem::path &path, const File &base, ResolutionIt first_res, ResolutionIt last_res, bool force_overwrite = false);#

Open/close methods

[[nodiscard]] File open(std::uint32_t resolution) const;#


[[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const noexcept;#


[[nodiscard]] std::string path() const;#
[[nodiscard]] auto chromosomes() const noexcept -> const Reference&;#
[[nodiscard]] constexpr const std::vector<std::uint32_t> &resolutions() const noexcept;#
[[nodiscard]] constexpr const MultiResAttributes &attributes() const noexcept;#


File copy_resolution(const cooler::File &clr);#
template<typename N = DefaultPixelT>
File create_resolution(std::uint32_t resolution, Attributes attributes = Attributes::init<N>(0));#
RootGroup init_resolution(std::uint32_t resolution);#


[[nodiscard]] static std::uint32_t compute_base_resolution(const std::vector<std::uint32_t> &resolutions, std::uint32_t target_res);#
static void coarsen(const File &clr1, File &clr2, std::vector<ThinPixel<std::int32_t>> &buffer);#

Single-cell Cooler (.scool)#

class SingleCellFile#


explicit SingleCellFile(const std::filesystem::path &path, unsigned int mode = HighFive::File::ReadOnly);#

Factory functions

[[nodiscard]] static SingleCellFile create(const std::filesystem::path &path, const Reference &chroms, std::uint32_t bin_size, bool force_overwrite = false);#

Open/close functions

[[nodiscard]] File open(std::string_view cell) const;#


[[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const noexcept;#


[[nodiscard]] std::string path() const;#
[[nodiscard]] auto chromosomes() const noexcept -> const Reference&;#
[[nodiscard]] auto bins() const noexcept -> const BinTable&;#
[[nodiscard]] std::uint32_t resolution() const noexcept;#
[[nodiscard]] constexpr const phmap::btree_set<std::string> &cells() const noexcept;#
[[nodiscard]] constexpr const SingleCellAttributes &attributes() const noexcept;#


template<typename N>
File create_cell(std::string_view cell, Attributes attrs = Attributes::init<N>(0));#


template<typename N>
File aggregate(std::string_view uri, bool overwrite_if_exists = false, std::size_t chunk_size = 500'000, std::size_t update_frequency = 10'000'000) const;#

Pixel selector#

class PixelSelector#


[[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const PixelSelector &other) const noexcept;#
[[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const PixelSelector &other) const noexcept;#


template<typename N>
[[nodiscard]] auto begin() const -> iterator<N>;#
template<typename N>
[[nodiscard]] auto end() const -> iterator<N>;#
template<typename N>
[[nodiscard]] auto cbegin() const -> iterator<N>;#
template<typename N>
[[nodiscard]] auto cend() const -> iterator<N>;#

Fetch at once

template<typename N>
[[nodiscard]] std::vector<Pixel<N>> read_all() const;#
template<typename N>
[[nodiscard]] Eigen::SparseMatrix<N> read_sparse() const;#
template<typename N>
[[nodiscard]] Eigen::Matrix<N, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> read_dense() const;#


[[nodiscard]] const PixelCoordinates &coord1() const noexcept;#
[[nodiscard]] const PixelCoordinates &coord2() const noexcept;#
[[nodiscard]] const BinTable &bins() const noexcept;#
[[nodiscard]] std::shared_ptr<const BinTable> bins_ptr() const noexcept;#