Installation (source)#

Instructions assume hictk is being built on a UNIX environment.

Building on Windows follows the same logic but some of the commands may be slightly different.

Build instructions#

hictk can be compiled on most UNIX-like systems (including many Linux distributions, MacOS) and Windows.

Build requirements#

Compiling hictk requires a compiler toolchain supporting C++17, such as:

  • GCC 8+

  • Clang 8+

  • Apple-Clang 10.0+

Furthermore, the following tools are required:

  • CMake 3.25+

  • Conan 2+

  • git 2.7+

  • make or ninja

  • Python3.6+ (including pip, required to install Conan)

We recommend installing CMake and Conan in a Python virtualenv, but you are of course free to install build dependencies in any way you want.

python3 -m venv /tmp/venv
/tmp/venv/bin/python3 -m pip install pip setuptools --upgrade
/tmp/venv/bin/python3 -m pip install 'cmake>=3.25' 'conan>=2' ninja

# NOTE: It's important to activate the venv after installing CMake
. /tmp/venv/bin/activate

whereis cmake  # cmake: /tmp/venv/bin/cmake
whereis conan  # conan: /tmp/venv/bin/conan
whereis ninja  # ninja: /tmp/venv/bin/ninja

cmake --version
conan --version

# Detect compiler toolchain. It is usually a good idea to explicitly set CC and CXX
CC=gcc CXX=g++ conan profile detect --force

Getting the source code#

Download from the Release page (recommended).

mkdir /tmp/hictk
curl -L '' | tar --strip-components=1 -C /tmp/hictk -xzf -

Using git.

git clone /tmp/hictk

cd /tmp/hictk
git checkout v0.0.12  # Skip this step if you want to build the latest commit from main

Compiling hictk#

# Activate venv
. /tmp/venv/bin/activate

# Set these variables to the number of CPU cores available on your machine
# You can check this with e.g.
# python -c 'import multiprocessing as mp; print(mp.cpu_count())')

# Install/build dependencies with Conan
conan install --build=missing \
              -pr default \
              -s build_type=Release \
              -s compiler.cppstd=17 \
              --output-folder=./build/ \

# This may take a while, as CMake will run Conan to build hictk dependencies.
# Do not pass -G Ninja if you want CMake to use make instead of ninja
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
      -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$PWD/build" \
      -G Ninja \
      -S /tmp/hictk \
      -B /tmp/hictk/build

cmake --build /tmp/hictk/build

To override the default compiler used by CMake, pass the following arguments to the first CMake command: -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=path/to/cc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=path/to/c++

We highly recommend using the same compiler when running Conan and CMake.

Running automated tests#

The steps outlined in this section are optional but highly recommended.

Unit tests#

# Activate venv
. /tmp/venv/bin/activate

cd /tmp/hictk
ctest --test-dir build/   \
      --schedule-random   \
      --output-on-failure \
      --no-tests=error    \
      --timeout 120       \
      -j8  # Change this to the number of available CPU cores

A successful run of the test suite will produce an output like the following:

user@dev:/tmp/hictk$ ctest --test-dir build/ ...
63/70 Test #21: Cooler: init files - SHORT .......................................   Passed    0.02 sec
64/70 Test #57: HiC: pixel selector fetch (observed NONE BP 10000) - LONG ........   Passed    1.53 sec
65/70 Test  #5: Cooler: index validation - SHORT .................................   Passed    3.83 sec
66/70 Test #17: Cooler: index validation - SHORT .................................   Passed    3.62 sec
67/70 Test #37: Cooler: utils merge - LONG .......................................   Passed    4.35 sec
68/70 Test #67: Transformers (cooler) - SHORT ....................................   Passed    4.11 sec
69/70 Test #36: Cooler: dataset random iteration - MEDIUM ........................   Passed    5.50 sec
70/70 Test #40: Cooler: dataset large read/write - LONG ..........................   Passed   11.47 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 70

Total Test time (real) =  12.03 sec

All tests are expected to pass. Do not ignore test failures!

Troubleshooting test failures

If one or more tests fail, try the following troubleshooting steps before reaching out for help.

  1. Make sure you are running ctest from the root of the source tree (/tmp/hictk if you are following the instructions).

  2. Make sure you are passing the correct build folder to --test-dir. Pass the absolute path if necessary (i.e. --test-dir=/tmp/hictk/build/ if you are following the instructions).

  3. Re-run ctest with -j1. This can be necessary on machines with very little memory (e.g. less than 2GB).

  4. Before running ctest, create a temporary folder where your user has read-write permissions and where there are at least 100-200MB of space available. Then set variable TMPDIR to that folder and re-run ctest.

  5. Checksum the test dataset located under test/data/ by running sha256sum -c checksums.sha256. If the checksumming fails or the folder doesn’t exist, download and extract the .tar.xz file listed in file cmake/FetchTestDataset.cmake. Make sure you run tar -xf from the root of the repository (/tmp/hictk if you are following the instructions).


# Activate venv
. /tmp/venv/bin/activate

cd /tmp/hictk

# Make sure this is the URL listed in file cmake/FetchTestDataset.cmake
curl -L '' | tar -xJf -

# This should print "OK" if the check is successful
(cd test/data && sha256sum --quiet -c checksums.sha256 && 2>&1 echo OK)

mkdir ~/hictk-test-dir  # Remember to delete this folder

TMPDIR="$HOME/hictk-test-dir"      \
ctest --test-dir=/tmp/hictk/build/ \
      --schedule-random            \
      --output-on-failure          \
      --no-tests=error             \
      --timeout 600                \

# rm -r ~/hictk-test-dir

If after trying the above steps the tests are still failing, feel free to start discussion asking for help.

Integration tests#

The integration test scripts depend on the following tools:

cooler can be installed using pip:

/tmp/venv/bin/pip3 install 'cooler>=0.9'

juicer_tools and hic_tools do not need to be installed, downloading the JAR file is enough:

curl -L '' -o /tmp/hictk/hic_tools.jar

If not already installed, xz can usually be installed with your system package manager (on some Linux distributions the relevant package is called xz-utils).

# Activate venv
. /tmp/venv/bin/activate

cd /tmp/hictk

# hictk convert
test/scripts/ build/src/hictk/hictk juicer_tools.jar
test/scripts/ build/src/hictk/hictk

# hictk dump
test/scripts/ build/src/hictk/hictk
test/scripts/ build/src/hictk/hictk
test/scripts/ build/src/hictk/hictk
test/scripts/ build/src/hictk/hictk
test/scripts/ build/src/hictk/hictk
test/scripts/ build/src/hictk/hictk

# hictk load (sorted)
test/scripts/ build/src/hictk/hictk sorted
test/scripts/ build/src/hictk/hictk sorted
test/scripts/ build/src/hictk/hictk sorted

# hictk load (unsorted)
test/scripts/ build/src/hictk/hictk unsorted
test/scripts/ build/src/hictk/hictk unsorted
test/scripts/ build/src/hictk/hictk unsorted

# hictk merge
test/scripts/ build/src/hictk/hictk

# hictk validate
test/scripts/ build/src/hictk/hictk

# hictk zoomify
test/scripts/ build/src/hictk/hictk


Once all tests have passed, hictk can be installed as follows:

# Activate venv
user@dev:/tmp$ . /tmp/venv/bin/activate

# Install system-wide (requires root/admin rights)
user@dev:/tmp$ cmake --install /tmp/hictk/build
-- Install configuration: "Release"
-- Installing: /usr/local/bin/hictk
-- Set runtime path of "/usr/local/bin/hictk" to ""
-- Up-to-date: /usr/local/share/licenses/hictk/LICENSE

# Alternatively, install to custom path
user@dev:/tmp$ cmake --install /tmp/hictk/build --prefix "$HOME/.local/"
-- Install configuration: "Release"
-- Installing: /home/user/.local/bin/hictk
-- Set runtime path of "/home/user/.local/bin/hictk" to ""
-- Up-to-date: /home/user/.local/share/licenses/hictk/LICENSE

Cleaning build artifacts#

After successfully compiling hictk the following folders safely be removed:

  • Python virtualenv: /tmp/venv

  • hictk source tree: /tmp/hictk

If you are not using Conan in any other project feel free to also delete Conan’s folder ~/.conan2/